Inside HOKIE SPORTS | Vol. 14 No. 3 | December 2021

20 Inside Hokie Sports human being he can possibly be. “He’s going to be great at something,” the Hokie head whistle continued. “He just has to move forward with that approach and believe that.” Brandon Green will never be able to take the mat for Virginia Tech, but he’s still very much involved with the team. Lending a helping hand, spreading smiles, using his knowledge of the game. That’s what Brandon Green is there for. His scholarship will continue to be honored, and his attitude will continue to shine. “If wrestling is taken from me, then wrestling isn’t meant to be in my life anymore,” he said. “People are focused on what you can become, not what you’ve done. All I heard after it all was how good of a wrestler I would’ve been. Yeah, could’ve should’ve would’ve, but look what I’ve done. I’m the first in my family to go to college. I was raised by a hard-working single mother. I feel like I put the hard work in and got to where I am today to try to help her. “What I’m doing is bigger than where I would go in wrestling.” Coach Robie continues to have nothing but praise for Green’s impact on Virginia Tech wrestling. He raved when talking about his Continued from page 19 impact on the No. 7 Hokies, and he couldn’t be more proud to have him reside in the wrestling room each and every day. “I’m happy to see where he’s at right now, I’m really excited for his future,” Robie said. “He’s just a tremendously great kid, someone you want to have around, someone you want to be involved with. Really just glad he’s around and that we get to have him as part of our program.” C o n t a c t a M a r t i n T r a v e l A d v i s o r T o d a y Ma r t i nTr a v e l . c om / H o k i e s | 5 4 0 - 3 4 3 - 5 4 0 0 | I n f o@Ma r t i nTr a v e l . c om Martin Knows LET US BE YOUR GUIDE From sea to shining sea, Martin Travel specializes in customizing group travel experiences for Virginia Tech alumni and sports fans. So when you travel, travel with us. Because Martin knows. ©2020 AAA Club Alliance Inc. 20_717265b TR_IN_20_717265b_Martin Travel_Hokies Insert-7.5x4.8_DN3.indd 1 6/19/2020 9:50:24 AM