22 Inside Hokie Sports on, I thought, ‘Maybe I could play at the next level. I could do this. Baseball is really fun and I am having a great time.’” Indeed, he could. Hurney progressed to the next level at Southwestern Oregon Community College, from where he was invited to pitch at a junior college showcase in Washington. An all-day affair, he waited patiently for his turn on the mound, only to face four batters. Lucky enough, four batters were all he needed to merit calls from the other side of the country. “Coach Fecteau called me and asked if I was willing to play on the east coast, knowing I was from Hawaii. I was not going to say no! To receive a call like that from an ACC school, I knew there was no question about it. I came on a visit and knew right away I was going to come to Virginia Tech.” Despite traveling thousands of miles to make it to Blacksburg, Hurney has never lost touch with his Hawaiian roots. Like his grandfather, Nemesio, whose wisdom has left a lasting impression on him, Hurney hopes his journey in baseball can inspire not only his younger relatives at home, but his Tech teammates as well. “Everything I do is for my family; there is no specific person. I am doing what I am doing so they can see me and feel inspired. I try to lead by example in the dugout, too. I am not always the most animated preacher or speaker, so I will keep my head down and focus on what I need to do so my teammates can see that in me.” As the 2022 season starts up, Hurney is looking to become one of Tech’s leading lefties as the Hokies set out to win their first-ever ACC title. hurney’s home Continued from page 20 Martin Knows WE’RE HERE FOR YOU As you think about future vacations and trips, travel with someone you trust. As your source for all things travel, Martin Travel is here for you before, during, and after your trip. ©2020 AAA Club Alliance Inc. 20_717265b C o n t a c t a M a r t i n T r a v e l A d v i s o r T o d a y Ma r t i nTr a v e l . c om / H o k i e s | 5 4 0 - 3 4 3 - 5 4 0 0 | I n f o@Ma r t i nTr a v e l . c om TR_IN_20_717265b_Martin Travel_Hokies Insert-7.5x4.8_DN3.indd 1 6/19/2020 9:51:28 AM “I think we have a really high ceiling. We are a very tight-knit group; everyone gets along with everyone. This is a very fun team to be a part of!” Maybe after four-and-a-half thousand miles, Hurney’s right at home.