6 Inside Hokie Sports ©2022 Martin Travel Agency, LLC 22_1383263c2 GOING PLACES? Martin Travel specializes in customizing group travel experiences for Virginia Tech alumni and sports fans. What do you need to have the best trip? Martin knows. C o n t a c t a M a r t i n T r a v e l A d v i s o r T o d a y Ma r t i nTr av e l . com/ Hok i e s | 540 - 343 - 5400 | I n f o@Ma r t i nTr av e l . com The Hokies hung tough to keep the game close at a 9-6 deficit at half, but the Cavaliers blasted back in the second half to win 18-11. Using those instances as motivation, this team is training to be an equal threat throughout the entirety of their games. The work that these athletes do extends far off of the field, Skiera has built a family of these young women and is committed to making them feel uplifted. This welcoming energy extends through all Skiera does, and trickles down the totem pole of her team. “The upperclassmen do an unbelievable job welcoming the freshman into the program. They’re welcomed onto a team where they are empowered and loved, Hokie Nation will see that in the spring.” Kristen Skiera is leading her team down a path which she describes as “the best one.” Her positive, yet competitive energy drives her team and they’re respect for their coach pushes them to work harder. The family that she leads counts on her and trusts her with all of their needs, snacks included. KRISTEN SKIERA Continued from page 5