Inside HOKIE SPORTS | Vol. 11 No. 6 | June 2019 11 toll. I was out of shape physically. As more and more of my friends got the call to the big leagues, I started sliding mentally as well. No worries, I told myself, mine was coming. Next year. Another beautiful day in Double-A! I kept on slipping, slipping, slipping … into the future. But while I kept looking to the future, I forgot largely about the present, and I wasn’t present in relationships with just about anyone in my life. Fear not, this isn’t a diatribe about regret. Turns out I was preparing for something. When I turned 33, the lightbulb went on. I fail to remember what exactly flipped the switch, but I do know that I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. It was time to throw away some of those answers that I thought I had. No more providing the definition of insanity and doing the same things over and over. I made a tangible decision to be more positive. To be more grateful. To be more present. I started working out regularly. I made an effort to reconnect with great friends from my past. I started to look at my business through a much broader lens. I attempted to burst the comfortable (and unhealthy) bubble in which I had been living and working. And lo and behold, champagne bottles popped, confetti rained from the sky, and all that I wanted out of life magically appeared at my feet. No, of course, that didn’t happen, but things started to change, albeit slowly. The woman who would become my wife came back into my life. As I opened myself up to more varied opportunities professionally, others came from it, ultimately leading me to Blacksburg and the chance of a lifetime. Hard to believe this coming season will be my fifth. See, I feel I made it to the big leagues when I turned 35, though certainly not on the road that I expected to travel. Turns out the reality became much larger than the dream. I met people who impacted my life whom I never would have known existed. I reconnected with others that I had written off, ones who provide community. I settled in with the person whom I will spend the rest of my life. At 38. At 40, I find myself in better shape —physically and mentally — than at 30, or for that matter, 20. My wife is right. I’ve gotten used to saying that … wink, wink. I find myself a little bit fixated on this whole 40 deal, but not because I’m sad about what is as opposed to what I originally planned. Instead, I am amazed at all that I have packed into my first 40 years. Eleven-year-old me only imagined Wrigley Field. I’ve been there countless times. Eighteen-year old me only imagined sandy beaches and endless rays. I’ve worked for the Rays, lived at the beach, and learned that neither beats the comfort of home. Thirty-year-old me knew that high times were ahead. He was right, but they exist in a different galaxy than the one I originally pictured at the time. So, the point. Always have to wrap this up with a point. Oh yeah, the point is that, at 40, I finally know everything. It took me awhile to figure it out, obviously, but now I have the hang of it. No!! The point is that, at 40, I am finally wise enough to realize that, at 50, I will look back and realize that, at 40, I had no idea where this ride was heading. And that makes it so much fun. Also, I’m grateful for the things that I found during my 30s, although I do miss the hair that I lost. So, bring it on 40! If my back doesn’t give out, I’m ready for ya! Moving You, Without the Interruption We’re committed to making our customer’s move stress- free from beginning to end. We’ll give you the peace of mind that comes with reliable information, superior service, and quality support. Get started today by calling (800) 336-9626 or visit! M O V I N G