Inside HOKIE SPORTS | Vol. 12 No. 5 | May 2020
A Winning Team Atlantic Union Bank’s team goal is to make banking easier for everyone. Discover better banking with us, where a winning season includes: P Mobile app P Free checking P Friendly customer service P Identity theft resolution services Show your Hokie pride and sport an exclusive Virginia Tech debit card that offers a variety of images, contactless purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. Visit or your local branch. An official bank sponsor of Virginia Tech Athletics Discover better banking with us, where a winning season includes: P Mobile app P Free checking P Friendly customer service P Identity theft resolution services Show your Hokie pride and sport an exclusive Virginia Tech debit card that offers a variety of images, contactless purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. Visit or your local branch. MEMBER FDIC An official bank sponsor of Virginia Tech Athletics A Winning Team Atlantic Union Bank’s team goal is to make banking easier for everyone. Discover better banking with us, where a winning season includes: P Mobile app P Free checking P Friendly customer service Identity theft resolution services Show your Hokie pride and sport an exclusive Virginia Tech debit card that offers a variety of imag s, ontactless purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. Visit or your local branch. MEMBER FDIC An official bank sponsor of Virginia Tech Athletics in ing Te m Atlantic Union Bank’s team goal is to make banking easier for everyone. Discover better banking with us, where a winning season includes: P Mobile app P Free checking P Friendly customer service Identity theft resolution services Show your Hokie pride and sport an exclusive Virginia Tech debit card that offers a variety of images, contactless purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. Visit or your local branch. E BER FDIC An official bank sponsor of Virginia Tech Athletics A Winning Team Atlantic Union Bank’s team goal is to make banking easier for everyone. Discover better banking with us, where a winning season includes: P Mobile app P Free checking P Friendly customer service P Identity theft resolution services Show your Hokie prid and sport an exclusive Virginia Tech debit card that offers a variety of images, contactless purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. Visit or your local branch. MEMBER FDIC An official bank sponsor of Virginia Tech Athletics A inning Tea Atlantic Union Bank’s team goal is to make ba king easier for veryone. Discover better banking with us, where a winning season includes: P Mobile app e checking Friendly cus omer service P Identity theft resolution services Show your Hokie pride and sport an exclusive Virginia Tech debit card that offers a variety of images, contactless purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. Visit or your local branch. MEMBER FDIC An official bank sponsor of Virginia Tech Athletics A in ing e Atlantic Union Bank’s tea goal is to m ke banking easier for everyone. Disc ver bet er banking with us, where a win ing season includes: Mobile app Fre checking Fri dly customer service P Identity theft resolution services Show your Hokie pride and sport an exclusive Virginia Tech debit card that offers a variety of images, contactles purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. Visit or your local branch. MEMBER FDIC An official bank sponsor of Virginia Tech Athletics i ning Tea Atlantic Union Bank’s team goal is to make banking easier for everyone. Discover better banking with us, where a winning season includes: P Mobile app Free checking P Friendly customer service P Identity theft resolution services Show your Hokie pride and sport an exclusive Virginia Tech debit card that offers a variety of images, contactless purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. Visit or your local branch. MEMBER FDIC An official bank sponsor of Virgini Tech Athletics i i e Atlantic Union Bank’s team goal is to make banking easier for everyone. Discover better banking with us, where a wi ing season includes: P Mobile app P Fr e checking P Fri ndly customer service P Iden ity theft resolution services Show your Hokie pride and sport an exclusive Virg nia Tech debit card that offers a variety of images, contactless purchases, and card controls that let you turn it off and then back on. V sit or your local branch. MEMBER FDIC An official bank sponsor of Virg nia Tech Athletics
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