Do you ever
wonder how
you can be
sure that the
food you eat
is safe?
Headquartered in a 40,000-square-foot production facility in
Christiansburg, Virginia, Inorganic Ventures is a global leader and
innovator in the development, manufacture and packaging of
Certified Reference Standards.
If you have no idea what that means, you’re not alone. People ask us
every day, and when we answer, their eyes usually start to glaze over.
So instead of explaining what inorganic testing standards are, let us
tell you what our products do for your family.
Do you ever wonder how you can be sure that the food you eat is safe,
the water that comes out of your faucet is free of impurities, or that the
medical products you use contain the ingredients listed on the label?
It’s because those products are tested to ensure content and purity.
Our Certified Reference Standards, when used
properly in a testing lab, provide a scientific
basis to document and defend the content
listed on a product label.
are just a few of the Inorganic
Ventures’ employees that hold a degree from
Virginia Tech.
Back row (L to R):
Julia Hotinger; Uyen Truong;
Lee Hawthorne; Debbie Haines; Johnver Atienza;
Lesley Owens, PhD; Autumn Harris.
Front row (L to R):
Joey Burns; Brian Alexander, PhD; Beth Day; James King Jr.