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11/1/16 11:07 AMthe Haught family. Tracy
Haught works as an industrial
mechanic, and Jared said his
grandfather refers to himself
as an “uneducated engineer.”
He fondly recalls days of
wrenching on tractors with his
grandfather on the farm.
“He told me it was a good
field to look at,” Haught said.
“A lot of people told me it was
too hard to do with wrestling,
so I came in thinking I’d do
biology or something. Then
I took a biology class, and I
thought, ‘No, I don’t want to do
this.’ Then I switched, and just
said that if it was too hard, or
I couldn’t balance the course
load, then I’d change and do
something else. It hasn’t been
too, too rough.”
Haught hopes to spend
this summer performing an
internship, while also training
for his final season at Tech.
But his focus remains on more
immediate goals, such as
leading the Hokies to another
top-four finish at the NCAA
Championships, earning All-
America honors, contending
for a national championship
and surviving 15 hours worth of
engineering courses.
If that seems like a full load,
it is. But this young man from a
rural outpost in West Virginia
is up for any challenge.
After all, given his roots, he
knows no other way.
e’s a guy that can contend for
a title. I’ve seen guys like him
wrestle on the stage on Saturday
night. He improved last year
from December to March more
than anybody on our team.
He exploded from December
to March. Exploded.
He needs to have
that same explosion.
Tech coach
Kevin Dresser
on Jared Haught